Breast Augmentation Incision Basics - What to Expect Afterwards?

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A breast augmentation is a surgical prosthesis utilized to alter the volume, shape, and tone of a woman's breast. In plastic surgery, breast augmentation is utilized to restore an unnatural looking breast to a more normal appearance. It can be done with or without a breast lift. There are many types of breast augmentation that include: pocket breast augmentation, inflatable breast augmentation, and inorganic breast augmentation. The use of silicone gel, saline solution, or a combination of these two solutions is most common in the inorganic form.

There are some advantages and disadvantages to each type of breast augmentation, but the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery should be considered carefully. A good  body contouring newport beach  surgeon will examine you and discuss with you all options available to you. He will look at your medical history and ask questions about any medications you may be on, any infections you have had, your emotional state (such as whether you have suffered from depression or loss of self confidence recently), and your expectations for surgery. Your plastic surgeon will also talk with you about the risks associated with breast augmentation surgery and discuss the expected outcome of the procedure and after care.

If you have a positive medical history and are otherwise healthy, then the most common type of breast augmentation is a pocket-lifts. This operation involves inserting a pocket of skin, fat, or muscle between the original breast implant and the chest wall muscles. The pocket then fills with tissue to restore the breast shape to its pre-surgery position.

Breast augmentation mammoplasty is another common surgery. This procedure involves inserting a breast implant behind the breast tissue to enlarge it. This procedure is known as a mastopexy and will produce noticeable results, however it is more complicated than a pocket-lift. A well-experienced breast augmentation newport beach ca surgeon can determine which type of implant and tissue to use and the amount to be inserted to achieve best results.

Some women undergo both of these procedures in order to increase their cleavage, lift their breasts, and reduce their weight loss and health risks. If you would like larger breasts or increased projection, then consider both of these options. You can find out more about your options for either procedure by discussing them with your surgeon during your consultation.

After surgery, the results of breast augmentation incision cannot be reversed. You must follow all of your surgeon's post-operative instructions in order to avoid complications such as capsular contraction. This is the medical term for tightening of the wound that can occur at the incision site after surgery. Scarring can occur in areas of your body not covered by the tissue insertions and this will cause visible scarring on your body. In order to minimize scarring, you should stop smoking months before your surgery and begin a healthy diet and exercise regimen to get rid of any excess fat. Get more info related to this topic on this page: